Devotions by Bonnie & Music by Bev
December 2022
The Coventry Carol
(Play as you read the devotional.)
The Light of the World
My first service in the church was as a candle lighter. I had waited a long time, because I was sooo short. Finally I was able to raise the flame to the candles on the altar. It is a holy gift to bring the light of the world into the sanctuary.
Once the candles are lite they witness to all the light of Christ shining though the service. However I found it more meaningful taking the light out at the end of worship. We are daily called upon to bring forth the light of our Savior. Our world certainly needs the Light of Christ, we are in certainly in need of Candle Lighters.
I love the Advent Wreath because the pink and purple candles we light represent hope, peace, joy and love. The white candle in the center, represents the very coming presence of Christ into the world and our lives.
The Light of Christ was burned into my heart deep beneath the “Church of the Nativity,” in Israel. Being short has it’s advantages. Approaching the entrance of the church II only had to lower my head a bit to walk through the four foot tall door, that is the access to the narthex of the Church. The door is thought to have been constructed expediently to prevent defilers on horseback from entering.
Two stairways lead to the cave of the Nativity, a rock-cut crypt with masonry vaulting and partly dressed in marble along the walls.
As I stood quietly, watching others knelling and kissing the floor where Jesus might have been lain, I instead was embraced by the very light of Christ. A small group of children gathered around the candles that were abundant in this small space. As I looked full into their faces, there was a glow of the very light of Christ’s love, peace, hope and joy that embraced me in a thin moment. It was what Dr. Beverly Rose describes in her book, “So close, I can Feel God’s Breath,” “Thin places are not only extraordinary places. They are also ordinarily found just this side of the other side.”
Oh may we all experience the Light of Christ in this blessed time of Christmas. And as we continue walking among others in our daily journeys, may we shine the Light of Christ on others in Jesus name. Amen
November 2022
Let the Whole Creation Cry
(Play as you read the devotional.)
From days in the 60’ties and 70’ies, winter has crept in and snow has fallen over night. We should have know, from the signs of our magnolia tree. Bare of its leaves, yet our Creators amazing gift is present in springs bulbs already in waiting on the limbs for flowering in spring.
We now can easily see the birds on its branches, as they take turns at the new gazebo styled bird feeder, hanging outside the second story kitchen window. What’s truly humbling is that the blue ;jays and cardinals have unbelievably decided to gather up the seeds beneath the feeder, allowing the smaller birds free range to the new feeder.
As the magnolia bulbs, jays and cardinals have humbled themselves, honoring Gods timing and seasons, I’m reminded of God’s direction for us as well.
"We are all one body” says Paul. Its these words of Paul’s in Ephesians 4: 1-3 that came to me.
“Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, you have been called by God. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other’s faults because of your love. Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bring yourselves together with peace.”
October 2022
(Play as you read the devotional.)
The Unexpected Gift
Sometimes we are awakened to Gods very presence through an unexpected gift of nature. Moses was tending his flock, he went deep into the wilderness near Sinai, the mountain of God. “The angel of the Lord appeared to him as a blazing fire in a bush. Moses was afraid and hid his face in his hands. God called to Him.”
I haven’t walked into the wilderness of Sinai, and yet much to my bewilderment I have this morning stood before a burning bush! It stands in our front yard, a huge green bush that has turned deep red. As I began my first morning walk with God in nearly 2 weeks, I walked unafraid to its side. There was no wind and yet the leaves in front of me began gently moving.
God chooses to speak to us in amazing and breath taking experiences, even a simple huge red bush in our lawn. Its up to us as to how we respond.
Moses removed his sandals and covered his face. Taking off his shoes was an act of reverence, conveying his own unworthiness before God. I did not take off my shoes this morning. Yet I shall never forget Gods rustling of the bushes red leaves, filling my heart with His very presence.
When we come to God in worship, do we approach Him casually or do we come as though we were invited guests before the King? God told Moses to tell the people what he saw and heard at the burning bush. Moses was worried about how the people might respond to Him.
God calls us to tell others about Him, and so I wanted to share how He has spoken to me on a cool autumn morning. God sometimes takes joy in using ordinary things for extraordinary purposes. Oh, that we might go where He leads, trusting Him to supply courage, strength, and resources at the right moments in our lives.
Amen, bonnie
September 2022
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
(Play as you read the devotional.)
The Swaying Goldenrod
The Queens Ann Lace was swaying, so too the corn flowers, the green ferns, the cow corn, the pines, the oak, the poplar, the maple, the white birch, all swaying as I traversed through my afternoon walk on Avery Hand Road. But wait, you can’t possibly have missed the greatest swaying of all - this late summer! That’s right the swaying Goldenrod. They are alive in glorious abundance this year! Around ponds, along roads, in meadows in back yards, their brilliant yellow shimmering, as the sun shines on them from a robins eff blue sky! Certainly many stray away from the yellow flower because of allergies! However a principal benefit of this plant, as designed by the Creator, is to help many insects at a time when other flowers are no longer available. To some it is an important source of pollen, while to others the seeds and petals provide valuable food. Bees, butterflies, moths and others come to it, some even crawling into its flowers at night time to keep warm. Certainly we can relate to that in the last few nights. The Bible tells us in Psalm 145:9 “the Lord is good to all and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Our God is good to all His creatures, but His care goes out to us with a special love, whether we are small or great. It is only through “His care and love that we live and have our being,” as we are told in Acts 17: 28. I will always look at the abundance of the Goldenrod with a new heart. Our God cares over the goldenrod, so too we receive His love and care over each of us. Blessings, bonnie
August 2022
Psalm of Stillness
(Play as you read the devotional.)
The Empty Cup
This morning as I settled into my spot at church, I noticed my tiny communion cup from two weeks ago, was on the floor at my feet. I placed the cup in the hymnal holder. While driving home I realized I hadn’t gotten the cup out to throw it away. Yet by the time I reached home, that empty cup was speaking to me. I turned to my devotional book that a small group of us shared together in January to March, The Cup of Life. I opened to page 52, “The Empty Cup”, and I was blessed by the words and this tiny cup on the church floor. “ The Spiritual path is a constant cycle of emptying and filling, of dying and rising, of accepting and letting go. The full cup is repeatedly emptied so that it can be filled again and again. This emptying happens in many ways. Sometimes I choose to be emptied of my fullness when I get involved in a situation where someone’s life asks for a lot of my time and energy. This emptying can be draining, but it might also be rewarding and satisfying because I have a sense of truly giving to another. At other times, life empties my cup without ever asking my permission. Challenging, inconvenient, messy, struggling, frustrating experiences constantly empty me. I am also emptied when I choose to let go of my habits and behaviors that are harmful to myself and others. While the process of emptying may be painful, it can also be growth-full. The empty times may feel useless, fruitless, and non-productive, but they are actually a means of our falling into the “immense depths” within ourselves where we see more clearly, learn to be less controlling, long more deeply for God, and touch life with greater reverence and gratitude. We enter into the deep realm inside of us that is filled with the mystery, awe and endless beauty of God. Emptiness is a gift that opens us further to the transforming power of God.” I shall always remember how the empty cup at my feet, brought me to these words of encouragement. Blessings, bonnie
Jul 2022
Summer in the country!
“ Each little flower that opens,
each little bird that sings,
God made their glowing colors,
and made their tiny wings.
The purple headed mountains,
the river sunning by the sunset and the morning that brightens up the sky.
The cold wind in the winter,
the pleasant summer sun,
the ripe fruits in the garden:
God made them every one.
God gave us eyes to see them,
and lips that we might tell how great is God Almighty,
who has made all things well.”
Jun 2022
The Lords My Shepherd
(Play as you read the devotional.)
I’m sitting on our back porch with Rick, humbled by the majesty of Gods grace surrounding us! A couple weeks ago I heard Rick mowing! A little while later he came in and said, “Lets sit out on the porch.” I wasn’t ready for the scene in our side yard. Rick has mowed, as only his heart would led him, creating paths encircling the yellow dandelions, the orange paint brushes, the little white and purple flowers. He called it our beautiful field. It has lasted almost three weeks and will soon be gone. It’s moments in our lives walking the paths through our “beautiful field,” that brings us closer to our God of creation.
Oh that daily we might give thanks to God for those little moments that come and forever find a spot in our hearts. I believe our God shines on us each day and if we are alive and awake to His glorious nature we find blessings that carry us through the challenges of the world. Amen.
Love and blessings Bev, bonnie
May 2022
The Fragrance of Christ
(Play as you read the devotional.)
This past weekend we found the perfect chair, completing the fifth meditation spot on our four acres. Yes I have five meditation spots, each with their own sense of wonder. Each day I visit one or more. Since my retirement, I have found this daily devotion centers me in ways that calm, strengthen and bring me closer to God.
This week as I sat under the magnolia tree the fragrance of the flowers surrounding me and stilling me, I was reminded of Corinthians 2: 14-15. “But thanks be to God, who made us his captives and leads us along the Christs triumphal procession. Now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a fragrance presented by Christ to God.”
Oh that I might be like the fragrance of the magnolia flowers, the nearby Lilac blossoms, sharing with others the very fragrance of Christ love, that fills me in my quiet meditation spots. Many times in Scripture we hear that Christ spent time in meditation and prayer. In Luke 5: 16 – “But Jesus with drew to the wilderness for prayer.” Also in Mark 6: 45-46.
Jesus made sure he often withdrew to quiet, solitary places to pray. Many things clamor for our attention and we often run ourselves ragged attending to them. Like Jesus however we should take time to with draw to a quiet place to pray. Strength comes from God, and we can only be strengthened by spending time with Him.
Find your meditation spot, God will be waiting there for you.
Blessings my friends, bonnie
The Fragrance of Christ
Refrain: Lord, may our prayer rise like incense in your sight.
May this place be filled with the fragrance of Christ.
1. I will thank you, Lord, with all of my heart.
You have heard the words of my mouth.
In the presence of the angels, I will bless you.
I will adore before your holy temple.
2. I will thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness and love,
beyond all my hopes and dreams.
On the day that I called, you answered;
you gave life to the strength of my soul.
3. All who live on earth shall give you thanks
when they hear the words of your voice,
and all shall sing of your ways:
"How great is the glory of God!"
April 2022
Hymn of Promise
(Play as you read the devotional.)
As I head out on my morning walk the mountains have been painted in brush strokes of pinkish red. The pine trees are the only trees which have not been touched, they are a deep vibrant green among the pinkish red oaks, birch and maple trees. Soon the pinkish red buds on the trees will burst into spring leaves.
In returning home I plant 108 seeds; a flat of 72 holding yellow squash, zucchini, peas, green beans cucumber’s, and winter squash. The other flat holding 36 Sun flower seeds. I placed each seed in a pellet of soil, watered and covered each flat. I placed the flats on the table in our sun room and waited.
Three days, yes three days later, seeds were bursting open in new life, shooting up and out of the soil. I transplanted each gracious gift of vegetables and flowers from God, in larger containers and placed them in my greenhouse. I couldn’t help but think of our Savior, three days buried, then bursting out into new life. New life for you and for me.
As we celebrate Easter and Christs resurrection bursting from the tomb after three days, we are humbled. Humbled by Gods transformative grace, restoration and eternal bursting life in Christ.
We are also graced by God’s bountiful creation bursting in are yards; daffodils, tulips, crocus’s,
yellow forsythia bushes and more burst forth. Our spirits are lifted as we listen to the symphonies of God’s birds in the trees. Amen.
Love, bonnie
March 2022
(Play as you read the devotional.)
The sun is up earlier these days. I woke last week, looking out the bedroom window. I didn’t stir. Outside, along the tree line a young maple was transformed. It stood among the pines, clothed in orange leaves that have hung on all winter, blazing brilliantly in sun light, on fire in Gods amazing grace. Here in my back yard was a moment of God’s glorious blessing, His bright light welcoming me to the new day, in this place of sanctuary.
This week as I held our devotional pamphlet for Lent, the title struck me in ways I hadn’t imagined, “The Sanctuary for Lent.”
The first three days of our devotions has dealt with the presence of sanctuary in many places; in a church, in a Global sanctuary for Elephants, in the most sacred area of the Jewish temple, where the high priest encountered the presence of God. Danielle (writer of booklet) writes “to the psalmist the sanctuary is the “Shelter of the Most High. It is a place to take a deep breath when there is a threat and constant terror of destruction: It is a place to feel assured and affirmed, secure in the protection God offers. Whether it is a majestic church or a safe place from abuse, we all need sanctuary in our lives.”
Certainly in the last two weeks we have seen, through tearful eyes and broken hearts, the need for sanctuary as over two million Ukrainian’s have fled from terror. Many countries and people across the world have joined together to met their needs on their perilous journey, offering sanctuary.
This is a terrible situation and yet we see the promise of sanctuary being given to people in need, in all kinds of ways. Turn to March 4th’s Lenten devotion and re-read the psalmist’s message in chapter 91: 11-13.
May we each find a way to be a sanctuary of Gods grace and love, to others on their journey in life.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You
It is you, Lord
Who came to save
The heart and soul
Of every man
It is you Lord
Who knows my weakness
Who gives me strength
With thine own hand
Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and Holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving I'll be a living
Sanctuary for you
Lead Me on Lord
From temptation
Purify me
From within
Fill my heart with
You holy spirit
Take away all my sin
Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You
Feburary 2022
This Is My Father’s World
(Play as you read the devotional.)
God’s Light
Last month I shared a story about having breakfast with our birds. Since then we’ve weathered through a North-Eastern Storm. Rick put up another ledge outside our windows over the sink. During the storm we had numerous new arrivals, over whelming me in their beauty. The purple finches described in my Petersons Field Guide, as “like a sparrow dipped in raspberry juice.” Countless yellow and light brown-gold finch covered the ledges, while the cardinal couple, the Junco’s, Jays, nuthatches, chickadees and others waited their turns on the limbs of the Magnolia tree. Because it was so cold during the storm, all the birds have been puffing themselves out, showing off in new ways their regale palette of colors.
Then this morning, February 5th, the storm seemingly pasted, we stood watching the birds. Suddenly God chose to shine His light through the trees. The Magnolia tree was alive with hundreds of tiny lights, the limbs of the tree clothed in diamonds and crystals. Not only the Magnolia had been transformed, the Bean tree, the Oak tree, the Maple tree as well, all bathed in God’s light. As we stood looking out at the glory of Gods transforming light we too experienced our hearts bathed in God’s light.
In moments like these we find ourselves in a “thin place.” A “thin place” is when we experience God’s nearness in those uncluttered moments of our lives.
In Dr. Beverly Rose’s book “So Close, I can Feel Gods Breath” (experiencing his nearness in thin places) she writes, “God waits for us in thin places beckoning us to grasp the beauty of his handiwork – and reach out for the hand that made it. He breathes in our lives and hearts in miraculous ways, his mysterious stirrings as ubiquitous as radio waves invisibly reverberating within earshot-and often just as silent. Yet if we orient our internal antennae to the Divine, we may just discover what our eyes can see and our ears can hear.”
Oh my!!! As I go into our sunroom to send this off, the light of Gods creation is shining through the tall Pine trees along the side of our lawn. The tops of the pines glistening pure white, a blinding light. Another thin moment of Gods amazing grace. Amen.
Blessings, bonnie
January 2022
How Great Thou Art
(play as you read the devotional.)
The Table
The Table - Well yes it's 0 degrees here, as I look out my back door. So no, I'm not going out for my morning walk. And so you could call me a wimp. I have opted for a breakfast with the birds, and no not outside on the back porch.
Rick has recently put a wooden ledge outside our double windows, each six feet high in the kitchen. Right above the new ledge is a bird feeder. We have four seed feeders out and two suet feeders. I sit by the windows nearly every day with a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy endless flights of birds landing at our windows. This morning is no different even with 0 degrees, many are landing on the feeder, two or three at a time, and others on the wooden shelf. While I sat in my grandfathers rocking chair eating my oatmeal with bananas and dried cranberries, I realized I was “at table,” with our birds.
Each one sporting their own creative colors from their maker, our God. The blue jays tall, the color of the sky with white and black highlights, the tufted titmice with their gray winds and top hat, sporting an orange patch beneath their white bellies. The regal pair of cardinals, the male the brightest red ever from head to tip of tail. His mate light brown belly, darker brown feathers with red peeking out from her tail feathers. The Junco’s in their slate gray colored suit with a white belly. The nuthatches in their gray-blue feathers, white belly’s and black heads with long bills. Certainly the chickadees, sparrows, and morning doves fly in. Yet the most regal is the Red-bellied Woodpecker. A tall nine inch bird with an all red cap on its head and a zebra black and white back.
The branches of the magnolia tree reach out in front of these windows. The birds land on it branches, waiting their turn to feed. I am suddenly over whelmed. I thank God daily for these birds yet this morning I thank God for this blessed gift of community and a peace that has settled over me in the sacred time around table.
I am reminded of the stream of people coming down the isle to the table, to receive the cup and bread of life broken for you and me in Jesus’ name. Each person a colorful creation created by the same God who has brought these birds to the table at our windows. It is a humbling experience when we gather around the table, no matter where or with whom of God’s creation we join. Amen.
Blessings bonnie and bev
How Great Thou Art
Verse 1
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow’r thru-out the universe displayed!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Verse 2
When thru the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze,
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Verse 3
And when I think that God, His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in –
That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Verse 4
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!