Members of the General Committee
Members of Presbyterian Session
Members of Methodist Church Council
General Committee
The Stephentown Federated Church General Committee is the governing committee of the church. The committee is made up of two representatives each from the United Methodist Administrative Board and the Presbyterian Session, the pastor, the church treasurer, the church secretary, and one representative each from the major committees/groups in the church: The Sonshiners Group, Men's Breakfast, Senior Choir, The Methodists, Presbyterians, and Christian Education.
The committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall. All church members are welcome to attend. Members may bring issues before the committee, after notifying the Chair. The General committee develops the annual budget and presents the proposed budget to the congregation for voting at the church annual meeting, which is held in January each year. The General committee acts on all major expenditures. The committee acts on personnel issues (hiring, salary increases), based on recommendations from the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee. The committee also acts on recommendations from other committees as needed, including the worship committee and property steward.
Members of the General Committee
Chris Garrison, (Pastor)
Arlene Longo, (Secretary)
Jean Bolen (Council)
Rev bonnie Bates (Christian Ed)
Heather Eckhardt (Session)
Bev Westfall (Choir,worship comm)
Kate Beach (SonShiners)
Barbara Terpening, (Treasurer chairperson)
Larry Eckhardt (Facility Chair)
Paul Mcmillan (Community Breakfast)
Larry Eckhardt (Session)
vacancy (Council)
Members of Presbyterian Session
Larry Eckhardt (Clerk of Session)
Heather Eckhardt (2024)
Paul McMillan (2024)
Marge Feathers (2022)
Larry Eckhardt (2022)
Judy Leland (2023)
Helen Wallbank (2023
Members of Methodist Church Council
Janet Atwater (2024)chair
Georgi Bebee (2024)
Tom Foody (2023)
Bonnie Bates (2022) term from Don Leab
Donna Densing (2023)
Jean Bolen (2022)
Nominating Committee
Malcolm Beal, presb - Chair
Donna Densing, meth
Heather Eckhardt, presb
Mary French, meth
Kate Beach, meth
Pastor- Parish Committee
Larry Eckhardt, Presb Chair
Malcolm Beal- presb
Tom Foody - Meth
Bev Westfall - Meth
Community Breakfast
Larry Eckhardt, Chair
Richard Terpening, Scribe
Paul Mcmillan, Treasurer
Son Shiners
Kate Beach, Pres.
Barbara Terpening, Treasurer
Joanne Hennig, Secretary
Worship/Tech Committee
Joanne Hennig
Barb Terpening
Laurelyn Mayen
Bev Westfall - Chair
Arlene Longo
Janet Atwater
Rev Bonnie Bates
Denominational Treasurers
Paul McMillan - Presbyterian
Kate Beach - Methodist