Stephentown Federated Church - Welcome



Stephentown Federated Church

1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY     518-733-5813




Stephentown Federated Church

1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY




Senior Choir

Our senior choir provides a weekly music ministry through Sunday Services and special events from September 1 to June 30.

There are no rehearsals due to Covid-19.

We are a group of 12 who sing in 2 part, 3 part and 4 part harmony. Stephentown Federated Church people who read music and people who do not read music are welcome. We sing a variety of different kinds of music such as [Choir Picture] spirituals, modern, classical, for the many liturgical parts of our church year. We rehearse the music for worship each week as well as work on long-term projects. Some of these long-term projects include Christmas cantatas, Christmas Eve service, Easter cantatas, weddings, tapings for a cassette for our shut ins, a Christmas CD and many more.

Our purpose as a group is to provide a ministry to our church through music to our congregation each week during the Sunday service. We would invite anyone who is interested in singing to contact me or see me on Sunday morning during fellowship after service. Bev [[email protected] ] Hope to see you Sunday!

The Stephentown Federated Church Choir has had two professionally "cut" tapes of the congregation's favorite Hymns and the congregation's favorite Christmas hymns and carols as well as a CD of American music that celebrates our service people. The music from sample 1 is Let There Be Peace on Earth, and from sample 2 Imagination. Both pieces are from the latest CD of American Music.

For further information about obtaining copies of either of these tapes or CD's please contact the choir director. [[email protected] ] Thank You.

Our rehearsals continue each Thursday at 6:30 pm, in the sanctuary. Anyone who would like to sing is welcome to attend.


This is our latest photo of choir in our new robes. The robes were donated by Janet Atwater in memory of our two former choir members Audrey and Fran Foody. They were dedicated on Oct 4/15 along with our new sound system.

Choral Festival Concert
April 15, 2018

Let There Be Peace On Earth
