Stephentown Federated Church

1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY     518-733-5813




Stephentown Federated Church

1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY




Heavenly Quilters

This group no longer meets due to the passing of their leader Donna Mullet. Our prayers are with the family.

Pictured above are members of the Heavenly Quilters as they pack up quilts to be delivered to Karen Casey who is head of the Albany Chapter of "Quilts for Kids." They are as follows: Marilyn Homiak, Lisa Wheeler, Arline Callan, Susie Morris and Debbie Morris.

The group meets every Tuesday morning 9:30-11:30AM in Pierce Hall

If you are interested in quilting or learning how to quilt , please feel free to join us. For more information contact Donna at 518-733-5278.


Pictured above as follows: Donna Mullet, Susie Morris and Marilyn Homiak from the Heavenly Quilters as they prepare "cuddle quilts" for delivery to Karen Casey who is in charge of the Albany Chapter of Quilts for Kids. The group meets every Tuesday in Pierce Hall from 9:30 - 11:30AM.