Stephentown Federated Church - Welcome



Stephentown Federated Church

1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY     518-733-5813




Stephentown Federated Church

1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY




Please Find Us on

for updated info
and meditations.

Church Finances...




Then, the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord: 2 Chronicles 29:9

Let us all rejoice for our continued giving while we are apart!

Income: With steady giving from our congregation our income is on budget. A big thank you to our everyone who has kept up with their giving.

When you mail in your offering, put your check in your offering envelope, if you have one, and mail your check to:

Stephentown Federated Church
Attn: Treasurer, PO Box 10, Stephentown, NY 12168


----- OR -----


Make a secure, one-time or recurring gift, by clicking the button/link below.



For enhanced security and giving simplicity, create an account by clicking on the login/signup link in the top right corner.

Give from any smartphone, tablet or computer without installing an app. Schedule a withdrawal from your bank acct or credit/debit card. Your donation goes directly to the church's bank account. You have the option of covering the fees.

You can designate how you want the money to be used (e.i. Offering, Memorial, Church Painting, etc.). It allows you to setup Recurring Giving: Every Week, Every 2 Weeks, Every Month, 1st. & 15th of Month. You can also pick the day of the week it's paid.


----- OR -----


Have your donation sent directly from your bank to ours. No fees. Contact me for details on how to do this.

Prayers and blessings to you all. May you continue to be healthy and safe!

Barbara Terpening, Treasurer

[email protected]





Friday 14th of February 2025


Welcome to the Stephentown Federated Church.  You’ll find us on the outskirts of corn fields and horse pastures, on the border of NY and MA, on the edge of the Capital District and the Berkshires, split between two school districts, a federation of two spiritual traditions—but one community where people from different backgrounds can find their place.  Everyone is welcome—regardless of who you are, from where you’ve come, or what you may or may not believe.

 Our mission involves us as an accepting, caring Christian Fellowship, dedicated to serving the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of our local and extended community.

Our worship and congregation is a place where all people can experience God’s love.  Our responsibility is to share our gifts, open our arms and care for all God’s creations.

When asked what people love about their Stephentown Federated Church community, here’s some of the response:


“Stephentown Federated Church is a friendly, warm and welcoming “ “I hadn’t been to church in YEARS. I felt comfortable from day one. People came up to me and welcomed me with open arms, something I never experienced before.  I joined the choir after a little while and started getting involved shortly thereafter.  I am active, and I give back, but nowhere near what I receive.  My only friends before Stephentown were work friends or casual acquaintances.  Now I happily count my friends on both hands and my toes too.  This is a very caring and sharing congregation. When someone is down or needs help, we all respond.” -- AL

“Our church has always been known for hospitality and welcome; it is easy to join—once or regularly—and know that you have a place here.  No matter where we are in life’s journey, we can share it and the support of a spiritual community around us.”         --BW



church getting painted-2023

Click Image to Enlarge

Special Announcements



Twenty-first Annual Church
Turkey Dinner
Saturday February 22, 2025
Start Serving at
5:00 pm until 7:00 pm

Newsletter Jan / Feb 2025

November Devotion
by Bonnie & Music by Bev

Music Collection by Bev

Sunday anthems
from band & choir

Church Finances...




Then, the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord: 2 Chronicles 29:9

Let us all rejoice for our continued giving while we are apart!

Income: With steady giving from our congregation our income is on budget. A big thank you to our everyone who has kept up with their giving.

When you mail in your offering, put your check in your offering envelope, if you have one, and mail your check to:

Stephentown Federated Church
Attn: Treasurer, PO Box 10, Stephentown, NY 12168


----- OR -----


Make a secure, one-time or recurring gift, by clicking the button/link below.



For enhanced security and giving simplicity, create an account by clicking on the login/signup link in the top right corner.

Give from any smartphone, tablet or computer without installing an app. Schedule a withdrawal from your bank acct or credit/debit card. Your donation goes directly to the church's bank account. You have the option of covering the fees.

You can designate how you want the money to be used (e.i. Offering, Memorial, Church Painting, etc.). It allows you to setup Recurring Giving: Every Week, Every 2 Weeks, Every Month, 1st. & 15th of Month. You can also pick the day of the week it's paid.


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Have your donation sent directly from your bank to ours. No fees. Contact me for details on how to do this.

Prayers and blessings to you all. May you continue to be healthy and safe!

Barbara Terpening, Treasurer

[email protected]
